Beech, J., & Chadwick, S. (Eds) (2007). The marketing of sport. London: Pearson Education Limited. Correia, A., Sacavém, A., & Colaço, C. (Eds.) (2008). Manual de fitness & marketing. Lisboa: Visão e Contexto. Ferrand, A., & McCarthy, S. (2009). Marketing the sports organisation: Building networks and relationships. New York: Routlegde. Mullin, B., Hardy, S., & Sutton, W. (2007). Sport marketing (3rd. Edition). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Schwarz, E. C., & Hunter, J.D. (2008). Advanced theory and practice in sport marketing. Oxford: Elsevier.: nullnull
Beech, J., & Chadwick, S. (Eds) (2007). The marketing of sport. London: Pearson Education Limited. Correia, A., Sacavém, A., & Colaço, C. (Eds.) (2008). Manual de fitness & marketing. Lisboa: Visão e Contexto. Ferrand, A., & McCarthy, S. (2009). Marketing the sports organisation: Building networks and relationships. New York: Routlegde. Mullin, B., Hardy, S., & Sutton, W. (2007). Sport marketing (3rd. Edition). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Schwarz, E. C., & Hunter, J.D. (2008). Advanced theory and practice in sport marketing. Oxford: Elsevier.: nullnull