Media: Global-Local

30 Novembro 2021, 13:00 Ana Santos

Discussão do conceito globalização e tese de resistência a este processo.

As políticas do desporto “glocal”

Aspetos históricos da globalização

Argumentos políticos e económicos

Imperialismo cultural, Americanização e Orientalismo

Global-Local e heterogeneidade cultural

A Globotics (Globalização + robótica)

Baldwin, Richard (2019) The Globotics Upheaval Globalization, Robotics, and the Future of Work. New York: Oxford University Press 

Bayle, E., & Clastres, P. (Eds.). (2018). Global Sport Leaders: A Biographical Analysis of International Sport Management. Switzerland: Palgrave 

Bose, Mihir. 2012. The Spirit of the Game. How Sport Made the Modern World. London: Constable. 

Gillon, Pascal, Frédéric Grosjean, and Loïc Ravenel. 2010. Atlas du sport mondial. Business et spectacle: l’idéal sportif en jeu. Paris: Autrement.  

Giulianotti, Sport (2005). A Critical Sociology. London: Polity, 2005

Maguire, J. (ed.). 2005. Power and Global Sport. Zones of Prestige, Emulation and Resistance. Londres: Routledge. 

Megheirkouni, Majd. 2017. “Arab Sport Between Islamic Fundamentalism and Arab Spring”. Sport in Society, pp. 1–13.

Nauright, John & Parrish, Charles (eds). 2012. Sport around the World: History, Culture and Practice. California: ABC-Clio. 

Roche, Maurice. 2000. Mega-Events and Modernity: Olympics and Expos in the Growth of Global Culture. Londres: Routledge. 

Young, K., and K.B. Wamsley.2005. Global Olympics: Historical and Sociological Studies of the Modern Games. Amsterdam/Oxford: Elsevier JAI.